Once Upon a Time...
In Savannah, Georgia, the Magicians, Wizards, and Spellcasters at Vanish came together after one too many close calls with bad magic. Bad Magic comes from bad moods, moody fits, and ill spirits. So Vanish came up with the cure-all: Chocolate.
Because a Happy Mouth means happy magic. Vanish’s collection of Wizzy Bars means no more magical mishaps...unless you sneak into their box of tricks.
Because a Happy Mouth means happy magic. Vanish’s collection of Wizzy Bars means no more magical mishaps...unless you sneak into their box of tricks.
It starts with a demographic...
Create a brand of chocolate for magicians.
In the most literal sense -- chocolate for magic-havers, illusionists, practitioners of the craft, and wielders of the wand.
But at the heart of it, Vanish is for dreamers, believers of the vibes, readers of aura. People who believe in something more.
Disappears right below
your eyes ...
your eyes ...
Ideating about all the types and "brands" of magic created a rich language library to create copy from.
Vanish values a tongue-in-cheek tone that comes off as clever rather than punny. There's a little bit of magic in everything Vanish says - whether it's the flavors of the chocolate or a social post.